Archives mensuelles : juillet 2023

ANTI-OEDIPUS: A Logic of Dialogue

In this video I try to show how the main ideas of ANTI-OEDIPUS are present in the opening paragraph. I explain my global thesis that ANTI-OEDIPUS is a dialogical work, articulating a logic of dialogue. I explain the three logical … Lire la suite

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« 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY » Book or Film? – An inclusive disjunction (with special help from a Medusa)

In a very interesting video, Stephen Andrews, the Outlaw Bookseller, asks the question: 2001 – Is the story incomplete and incomprehensible if you have not read the novel? I was inspired to write a comment, which I am cross-posting here. … Lire la suite

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APPLE’S FOUNDATION AND THE IMAGE OF THOUGHT: the rise of the anti-concept

The first episode of the second season of Apple’s FOUNDATION is now out and it pushes farther than anything I could have imagined. Not only does FOUNDATION accomplish the exploit of making the recent, and much decried, tv series THE … Lire la suite

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DELEUZE AND DUNE: in praise of divergence

« Always diverge, never converge  » (Bob Bogle FRANK HERBERT: THE WORKS) This is my draft translation of the text of my intervention at the third « Journées Enseignement et Science Fiction », of the ESPE of the Academy of Nice, Célestin Freinet, … Lire la suite

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