Archives mensuelles : septembre 2019

A SECOND CALL FOR HELP: Science Fiction and Music

There seems to be an affinity of science fiction with music, but it remains hard to pin down or express. Some questions for me are 1) Does Space Opera sometimes have a musical element in its structure, and not just … Lire la suite

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LARUELLE AND SCIENCE FICTION: open, flexible, heuristic criteria

In recent posts I have been thinking out loud about François Laruelle’s claim in his latest book TETRALOGOS that his proposed replacement activity for philosophy (a replacement that is diversely but not equivalently called non-philosophy, non-standard philosophy, or forced philosophy) … Lire la suite

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A CALL FOR HELP: Science Fiction and Philosophy

I have to give a talk on a long book (TETRALOGOS, 620 pages) by the French philosopher François Laruelle,  who claims to be doing philosophy that is the conceptual equivalent of science fiction. Laruelle claims that the foundational core of … Lire la suite

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Live-blogging Laruelle’s TETRALOGOS (5): New Foundations for Science Fiction

Science fiction (SF) is a minor genre of literature entrusted to an arbitrary imaginary as well as to the talent of its authors, but it is possible to re-found it this time on more solid bases as a non-philosophical genre, … Lire la suite

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Live-blogging Laruelle’s TETRALOGOS (4): Characters, Acts, and Sutures

Laruelle rejects standard or sufficient ontology, a strong ontology that poses a « One-of-Sufficiency », admiring itself in a philosophical mirror of sufficiency. Non-philosophy proposes not to abolish philosophy but to depose it, remove its authority, take it outside of its specular … Lire la suite

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HYPERMODERNITY (1): Poetising – Literalising (Michael Kamins’ Preface)

HYPERMODERNITY AND THE END OF THE WORLD by John David Ebert and Brian Culkin, with a preface by Michael Aaron Kamins. In his Preface Michael Kamins has some very interesting things to say about alchemy as the language most appropriate … Lire la suite

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Live-blogging Laruelle’s TETRALOGOS (3): Movement

François Laruelle sees « standard » philosophy as positing its own sufficiency for englobing the Real, but as propping up this purported autonomous apprehension by its dependency on other modes of apprehension. Contrary to its self-image as a « pure » discipline, standard philosophy … Lire la suite

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CHANGING TRAJECTORIES: Deleuze, Badiou, Laruelle

In my preceding post (GRATITUDE TO HEIDEGGER?) I was tying together what Sean Kelly says about his own trajectory over the last eight years in the first three posts (i.e. Rising from the Ashes?, Gratitude for what has been, How … Lire la suite

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GRATITUDE TO HEIDEGGER?: quarantining his politics

The problem of the relation between Heidegger’s politics and his philosophy has been posed with increasing intensity and richness in detail over the past few years. This is a good sign, in that a debate that had been stifled for … Lire la suite

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