ARGUING BACK AND FORTH (backer and forwarder): ON BAKKER’S BBT (assembled text)

I have gathered together and slightly updated a few things. This is a first draft, and any help or comments will be appreciated.

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5 commentaires pour ARGUING BACK AND FORTH (backer and forwarder): ON BAKKER’S BBT (assembled text)

  1. Anon dit :

    Makes sense, I like it. Couple of comments. In Section 3, the single paragraph about diachronics and conjunctures wasn’t as clear to me as the rest of the paper. You bring up some ideas that seem kind of important but don’t discuss them very much, so I wasn’t clear on how they relate to everything else you’re saying.
    Also, in Section 4, some typos/issues:
    « who had developpped » – typo
    « astuces » – i could be wrong but i think this is a word in french but not english
    « whole pluralist theory about multplicities » – typo
    « That’s why in my text a take » – typo


  2. terenceblake dit :

    Thanks for this. I suppose I will have to rewrite to make the ideas and relations clearer. I intend this as a chapter in a future book, and some ideas are developped elsewhere on the site. Thanks for the list of typos. I hoped « astuces » was English, it felt funny but I didn’t check. I think « a whole pluralist theory about multiplicities » is OK, as not all pluralist theories are make mention of multiplicities. I have corrected the rest and will upload an updated version in a while.


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