NOTHING TO DECLARE: the language of becoming in Deleuze and Hillman

My own views on indirect language were articulated by way of my engagement with the philosophy of multiple becomings of Gilles Deleuze and with the archetypal psychology of James Hillman. This culminated in a text, published in 1986, expressing my synthesis of epsitemological, ontological, and imaginal pluralism.


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Published in May 1986, in TENSION, issue 9.

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Un commentaire pour NOTHING TO DECLARE: the language of becoming in Deleuze and Hillman

  1. dmf dit :

    somewhere in one of the old Spring Journals Hillman noted that rhetoric is the animal display/expression for human-beings, I think this brings him very close to the strong rewriting of Freud in Rorty’s Irony, Contingency, and Solidarity, homo rhetoricus if you will with the important update of replacing Ananke with contingency and Archetypes with blind-impresses.


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